What if All Children Had Access to Pre-K 4 SA?

A few weeks ago, Julián Castro, former mayor of San Antonio and U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Obama, announced that he’s throwing his hat into the ring for what is shaping up to be a crowded Democratic presidential primary field. Announcing his candidacy, Castro said, “Here in San Antonio, I made Pre-K 4 SA happen. As president, I’ll make pre-K for the USA happen!”

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Pre-K 4 SA Kids Learning Math & Reading, and Also ‘Self Regulatory Skills’

The latest report card on San Antonio’s sales-tax funded Pe-K 4 SA program is in, and not only are the four year olds who are enrolled in the city’s groundbreaking early childhood education program scoring ahead of their peers on key learning benchmarks, Pre-K CEO Sarah Baray says they are also scoring well on a very important quality, what is called ‘executive function,’ News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

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